# This demonstration script creates a canvas that displays the
# canvas item types.
# SCCS: @(#) items.tcl 1.11 96/04/12 13:30:01
set w .items
catch {destroy $w}
toplevel $w
wm title $w "Canvas Item Demonstration"
wm iconname $w "Items"
positionWindow $w
set c $w.frame.c
label $w.msg -font $font -wraplength 5i -justify left -text "This window contains a canvas widget with examples of the various kinds of items supported by canvases. The following operations are supported:\n Button-1 drag:\tmoves item under pointer.\n Button-2 drag:\trepositions view.\n Button-3 drag:\tstrokes out area.\n Ctrl+f:\t\tprints items under area."
$c create text 22.5c 9c -anchor n -font $font1 -width 4c \
-text "A short string of text, word-wrapped, justified left, and anchored north (at the top). The rectangles show the anchor points for each piece of text." -tags item
$c create rectangle 25.4c 10.9c 25.6c 11.1c
$c create text 25.5c 11c -anchor w -font $font1 -fill $blue \
-text "Several lines,\n each centered\nindividually,\nand all anchored\nat the left edge." \
-justify center -tags item
$c create rectangle 24.9c 13.9c 25.1c 14.1c
$c create text 25c 14c -font $font2 -anchor c -fill $red -stipple gray50 \